Things To Look For In A Commercial Garbage Disposal
They’re attached to the under part of the sink, shredding food into tiny pieces or liquid so they can travel better through the attached plumbing. However, models vary widely, so I’m here to help you select the perfect one for your needs. Before we dive into each product review, it’s essential to know what to look for, and why. Dimensions (Size) Before you do anything else, make sure that the commercial garbage disposal you want fits your sink. You'll need to measure the length, height, and width of the available space under your sink. Generally speaking, the higher the horsepower, the larger it's going to be. Grind Chamber & Shredding Element (Grinder Blades) The grinding chamber and shredding elements are what are going to pulverize the food waste you place into them. Here, you'll want to look for sturdiness and durability to more efficiently and finely grind up the food. Stainless steel is robust and durable while preventing rust from forming. Be careful to select ...